Varee’s Foundation is established in memory of our son Varee. As Varee’s father I wanted for him what most father’s want for their son, to grow up and become a productive citizen…

New Book Now Available
A Tragedy: Our Journey to Acceptance the Varee Slade Story is a riveting tale of survival in the face of great devastation. Written by Varees’ parents. It details the events leading up to and the long journey forward after the sudden passing of their 15-year-old seemingly healthy son. In this writing you will find what to expect when faced with unexpected loss of a loved one. The good and the bad.

A Beautiful Past. A Bright Future.
The Varee Slade Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 2017, based on the premise of breaking the cycle from school to prison by promoting change from school to college and beyond. Varees Foundation mission is to provide support for youths as they transition from high school to secondary education who otherwise would not have the means to fulfill their
educational aspirations.
Our vision is to cultivate & open doors to education through:

Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Varee Slade Foundation Scholarship Winners! Interested in applying? We’d love to hear from you, and help you towards your dream of earning a higher education. Click below to visit our application page and get started today!